SGO Assessment Articles

Am I Too Old to Become a Special Guardianship Carer?

The previous article, At What Age Can You Become a Special Guardianship Carer? looked at when the issues when someone seems too young to take on the responsibility of becoming a Special Guardian (SGO). But what if you're wondering if you’re too old to become a special...

At What Age Can You Become a Special Guardianship Carer?

In order to become a Special Guardianship carer (SGO) you need to be 18 years of age. This is the minimum legal requirement in order to be able to take on the guardianship of a child in the UK. When considering age, there are...

Perspectives of Social Workers Working in Kinship Care (New Research)

There is a new piece of research published by, believed to be the first of its kind that looks at the views and experiences of social work practitioners working within the field of kinship care. The research was published by Joan Hunt, Honorary Professor,...

Special Guardianship Assessment & Case Law (You Need to Know)

It is important that you are aware of key case law when undertaking a Special Guardianship assessment. I’m not a lawyer, I took my law modules in university like many of you. In this post, I have found information about relevant case law and from the trainings, I have...